Here are some definitions for acronyms that may be helpful:
Acronym | Definition | |
ABN | Advance beneficiary notice | |
AIM | American Imaging Management | |
ASF | Ambulatory surgical facilities | |
BCN | Blue Care Network | |
BCBSM | Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan | |
BHC | BlueHealthConnection® | |
CAH | Critical access hospital | |
CCN | CMS certification number | |
CDTCLFS | Current dental terminologyClinical Laboratory Fee Schedule | |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | |
COB | Coordination of benefits | |
CORF | Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities | |
CPT | Current procedural terminology | |
DENIS | Dial-in eligibility network and information system | |
DME | Durable medical equipment | |
DMEPOS | Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies | |
DRG | Diagnosis related group | |
EDI | Electronic data interchange | |
ESRD | End stage renal disease | |
FERA | Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 | |
GHP | Group health plan | |
HAR | Healthy Advantage Rewards | |
HCPCS | Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System | |
HEB | Health e-Blue℠ | |
HEDIS | Health plan employer data and information set | |
HHA | Home health agency | |
HHPPS | Home health prospective payment system | |
HHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | |
HIC | Health insurance claim | |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portabilityand Accountability Act of 1996 | |
HIT | Home infusion therapy | |
HPSA | Health professional shortage areas | |
ICD-9 | An abbreviated reference to the American Medical Association’s guide to diagnosis codes, the International Classification of Disease, ninth edition | |
IRE | Independent review entity | |
JVHL | Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories | |
LCD | Local coverage determination | |
LICS | Low income cost-sharing subsidy | |
LIS | Low income subsidy | |
LTAC | Long-term acute care | |
LTACH | Long-term acute care hospital | |
MA | Medicare Advantage | |
MHHA | Michigan Home Health Association | |
MLN | Medicare Learning Network | |
MMA | Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 | |
MOA | Michigan Osteopathic Association | |
MPFS | Medicare Physician Fee Schedule | |
MSMS | Micihgan State Medical Society | |
MSPERS | Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System | |
NCDNLA | National coverage determination
National Limitation Amount-CMS calculates a national payment rate based on the median of these local fee schedule amounts. This median payment rate is referred to as the National Limitation Amount |
NOMNC | Notice of Medicare non-coverage form | |
NPI | National provider identifier | |
OCR | Optical character recognition | |
OPPS | Outpatient prospective payment system | |
OSCAR | Online survey certification and reporting number | |
PACE | Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly | |
PPACA | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | |
P&O | Prosthetic and orthotics | |
Part A | Hospital insurance provided by Medicare | |
Part B | Medical insurance provided by Medicare | |
Part D | Prescription drug insurance provided by Medicare | |
PBM | Pharmacy benefit manager | |
PDP | Prescription drug plan | |
PDR | Physician’s Desk Reference | |
PFFS | Private fee-for-service plan | |
PHI | Protected health information | |
PIN | provider identification number | |
POA | Present on admission (indicator) | |
PPO | Preferred provider organization | |
PPR | Prospective payment review | |
PPS | Prospective payment system | |
PQRI | Physician Quality Reporting Initiative | |
PRM | Provider Reimbursement Manual | |
PSA | Physician scarcity areas | |
QIC | Qualified independent contractor | |
QIO | Quality improvement organization | |
RA | Remittance advice | |
RAP | Request for anticipated payment | |
RHC | Rural health clinic | |
SCHIP | State Children’s Health Insurance Program | |
SNF | Skilled nursing facility | |
SOM | State of Michigan | |
SSI | Supplemental security income | |
UAW Retiree Medical Trust | United Auto Workers |