Here are some definitions for acronyms that may be helpful:

Acronym Definition
ABN Advance beneficiary notice
AIM American Imaging Management
ASF Ambulatory surgical facilities
BCN Blue Care Network
BCBSM Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
BHC BlueHealthConnection®
CAH Critical access hospital
CCN CMS certification number
CDTCLFS Current dental terminologyClinical Laboratory Fee Schedule
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
COB Coordination of benefits
CORF Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities
CPT Current procedural terminology 
DENIS Dial-in eligibility network and information system
DME Durable medical equipment
DMEPOS Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies
DRG Diagnosis related group
EDI Electronic data interchange
ESRD End stage renal disease
FERA Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009
GHP Group health plan
HAR Healthy Advantage Rewards
HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
HEB Health e-Blue℠
HEDIS Health plan employer data and information set
HHA Home health agency
HHPPS Home health prospective payment system
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HIC Health insurance claim
HIPAA Health Insurance Portabilityand Accountability Act of 1996
HIT Home infusion therapy
HPSA Health professional shortage areas
ICD-9 An abbreviated reference to the American Medical Association’s guide to diagnosis codes, the International Classification of Disease, ninth edition
IRE Independent review entity
JVHL Joint Venture Hospital Laboratories
LCD Local coverage determination
LICS Low income cost-sharing subsidy
LIS Low income subsidy
LTAC Long-term acute care
LTACH Long-term acute care hospital
MA Medicare Advantage
MHHA Michigan Home Health Association
MLN Medicare Learning Network
MMA Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
MOA Michigan Osteopathic Association
MPFS Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
MSMS Micihgan State Medical Society
MSPERS Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System
NCDNLA National coverage determination

National Limitation Amount-CMS calculates a national payment rate based on the median of these local fee schedule amounts. This median payment rate is referred to as the National Limitation Amount

NOMNC Notice of Medicare non-coverage form
NPI National provider identifier
OCR Optical character recognition
OPPS Outpatient prospective payment system
OSCAR Online survey certification and reporting number
PACE Program of all-inclusive care for the elderly
PPACA Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
P&O Prosthetic and orthotics
Part A Hospital insurance provided by Medicare
Part B Medical insurance provided by Medicare
Part D Prescription drug insurance provided by Medicare
PBM Pharmacy benefit manager
PDP Prescription drug plan
PDR Physician’s Desk Reference
PFFS Private fee-for-service plan
PHI Protected health information
PIN provider identification number
POA Present on admission (indicator)
PPO Preferred provider organization
PPR Prospective payment review
PPS Prospective payment system
PQRI Physician Quality Reporting Initiative
PRM Provider Reimbursement Manual
PSA Physician scarcity areas
QIC Qualified independent contractor
QIO Quality improvement organization
RA Remittance advice
RAP Request for anticipated payment
RHC Rural health clinic
SCHIP State Children’s Health Insurance Program
SNF Skilled nursing facility
SOM State of Michigan
SSI Supplemental security income
UAW Retiree Medical Trust United Auto Workers