Billing information
finding information in 835 Remittance Advice Data Set
You can find the Payer sending the 835 by opening the .835 file in notepad and searching for "N1*PR* You can find the Amount of the total remittance, by searching for "BPR*I"
How to protect cells in an Excel Spreadsheet
View this video on how to protect cells in an Excel spreadsheet
Create dependent drop-down boxes in excel
Watch this video on how to create dependent drop-down boxes in excel 2013
APC definition and website
Ambulatory payment classification
Insurance companies do not lose money
Insurance Companies Do Not Lose Money FAQ’s
Did you know that the CMS has a FAQ section? It covers topics such as : Billing Coding Meaningful Use Legislation and much more.
5 Ideas to Avoid Claim Denials & Keep ASC Revenue Cycles Efficient Through ICD-10
This is a great article from Beckers ASC Review about gearing-up your Ambulatory Surgical Centers for ICD-10 implementation. The insights are good for all healthcare providers 5 Ideas to Avoid Claim Denials & Keep ASC Revenue Cycles Efficient Through ICD-10 Overview: 1. Put the right revenue cycle team together. 2. Identify claims denials trends. 3. […]
Value Based Purchasing (VBP) for Hospitals
One of the biggest legal changes to the United States health care system that will have a major impact on healthcare providers is the Federal Government’s new Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program. The majority of this post was taken from the Revenue Cycle Management- Healthcare Blog Regardless if you are the manager at a large hospital […]
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