Use LEAN and Six Sigma techniques to get a more profitable hospital in 5 days. In this special report by Jay Arthur, you will get an insight on how Six Sigma was used to reduce billing errors and increase cash flow within a hospital’s billing process.
six sigma in Health care billing Paper from Society for Health Systems (SHS) on Six SIgma project at Texas Hospital
Clinical Trial Billing Seminar
Clinical Trial Billing Seminar Clinical Trial Billing – Building a Compliant Process that Works! Why Should You Attend: Beginning in 2000, with the National Coverage Decision (now “Clinical Trials Policy” or CTP), Medicare covers routine costs for Medicare participants in clinical trials. Though designed to protect taxpayer’s funds from fraud and abuse, the rules and […]
Billing Process analytics to watch
Do You Make These Mistakes in the Business Office? They’re the most common errors we’ve seen when performing our comprehensive revenue cycle analysis, the Revenue Cycle Performance Review (RCPR), across more than 80 hospitals. In fact, even when hospitals reported that they follow these principles, data-driven analytics proved that was not the case. Electronic submission. Your […]
Don’t give up on dead claims
Read this report before giving-up on “dead” claims Use ERISA protections to your advantage, make insurers follow the law The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) requires health insurers to respond to claims in a timely manner. Failure to do so can mean the claim is eligible for immediate payment, explains Richard […]
Hfma hospital benchmarking*2BZcWyW9KrO1PaLpYyn1dSFcbgw*3D*3D/eid/49456
Here are 25 of the largest non-profit health systems in the country, ranked in order by the number of hospitals in the system. The following list was devised with data from both the American Hospital Directory and each health system’s respective website and/or public relations department. THIS LIST AS OF July 24, 2012. See Article […]
Strategy for reducing Hospital Bill Accounts receivable
Hospital Bill Debt Forgiveness A tax expert describes how forgiving medical debts that a healthcare provider will more than likely never collect has an “incredibly low cost, generating very high return” for hospitals. Working with cash-strapped patients to restructure or forgive their medical debts could provide an excellent return on investment for hospitals that probably […]
Not Worried About the Fiscal Cliff? You Should Be
Hospitals have on average a 2% margin. One of the automatic cuts in the budget of the “fiscal cliff” are a 2% cut in medicare reimbursements. Those hospitals receiving a substantial portion of their payments from medicare need to take action quickly. You can read the complete article HERE .
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