Free LEAN Six Sigma Training

LEAN and Six Sigma methodologies are being used more frequently in the Healthcare environment.   Free Lean Six Sigma Training This website is a place to get up to speed on some of the nomenclature and procedures associated with LEAN and Six Sigma. Share...

NLM Tools for EHR Certification and Meaningful Use The National Library of Medicine provides free access to vocabulary standards, applications, and related tools that can be used to meet US EHR certification criteria and to achieve Meaningful Use of EHRs. Below are resources either created by or supported by NLM that can be used for providing patient-specific education materials, e-prescribing, and creating, exchanging, and interpreting standardized lists of problems, medications, and test results.

NLM Tools for EHR Certification and Meaningful Use The National Library of Medicine provides free access to vocabulary standards, applications, and related tools that can be used to meet US EHR certification criteria and to achieve Meaningful Use of EHRs. This site... FAQ’s

Did you know that the CMS has a FAQ section? It covers topics such as : Billing Coding Meaningful Use Legislation and much more. Share...