Direct Data Entry (DDE)

DDE = Direct Data Entry DDE access allows online claims entry, online claims correction, claim status and viewing reports DDE access requires ID and password for each user to gain access to the Medicare Online System •Contact System Security at NAS for DDE password...

Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)

ERA = Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) ERA transactions are sent based on the NPI/PTAN combination when the payee information is different than the rendering data •The zip codes entered on the claims are used to match to the appropriate PTAN ■Reports the final...

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer   Benefits of EFTs   ■Funds are available faster   ■Administrative costs are reduced   ■Accounting Department can reconcile receivables   ■Contribute to the Paper Reduction Act     Share...

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

  EDI= Electronic Data Interchange   EDI helps provide quick efficient exchange of healthcare information   •EDI provides access to HIPAA compliant transactions   ■270/271 Eligibility Response in real time from the CMS data center   ■276/277...